Playing on PC and have some issues receiving "out of memory" messages?

1) Firstly, we suggest using the Google Chrome browser; you can get it here.
We have some useful tips on how to avoid this inconvenience:

- Open Google Chrome.
- Press "Ctrl+Shift+Del" on your keyboard.
- In the opened tab, check "Cached images and data" and uncheck all other options.
- Click on the droplist near "Time range" and select "All time."
- Click "Clear Data."
- Try launching the game after that.

2) Please check draft extensions in Chrome. It should be turned on:
- Click on the link: chrome://flags/
- Turn on the "WebGL Draft Extensions" -
- Update your browser to the latest version.

Please follow all the above steps, and after that, try to open our game again.

3) If all actions above didn't help, we recommend downloading our desktop application from the Microsoft Store.

In case you still have issues with it, you can always contact support from the game settings to get assistance.