Becoming part of a Clan in the Slots Era opens up new horizons for shared adventures. Joining a Clan is a simple process, and there are several distinct scenarios to choose from. In this article, we'll break down all the methods, ensuring you can seamlessly connect with a Clan and start enjoying the collective experience.

Joining through Clan Profile:

  • When you discover an Open Clan through the Clan Profile, you can instantly be transferred to the Clan Main Screen.

Lucky Join:

  • The "Lucky Join!" button offers a convenient way to instantly join the most fitting public clan. With a single click, you are seamlessly connected to a clan that suits your needs, eliminating the need for manual searching or selection.

Joining a Private Clan:

  • Players interested in joining a Private Clan submit a Join Request via the Clan Profile.The request will be reviewed by the members who have the privilege to do so. If you are accepted, the corresponding pop-up will appear. Upon clicking the button on the popup, you will seamlessly be transferred to the Clan Main Screen.

Whether you're drawn to the spontaneous route of the Lucky Join or prefer the personalized touch, all methods open the door to a world of collective adventures. By joining a Clan, you gain access to all clan tabs, fostering a sense of community that transcends the gaming screen.

So, fellow players, seize the opportunity to be part of something bigger. Join a Clan, meet like-minded individuals, and immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Slots Era. The adventure awaits, and your new clanmates are ready to share in the excitement. Take the leap, join a Clan, and let the gaming journey unfold in ways you never imagined!