Guess what?
Ah, wait, no need to play a guessing game here.
Let’s do it right in our game!

The Guess Game pops up when you hit a Big Win.

If you are fur-tunate to guess the correct card, the coins you’ve won will be multiplied.
You can leave any time you want, even if you open it, but then change your mind. And if you want to stop guessing the cards and take the current winnings, you can choose the "Cash out" option.
But be careful, if you lose this game on any step, you lose all the coins (even the initial Big Win)!
Sure thing, you still can buy one more attempt to try again or save your coins.
But if you succeed, your reward will shoot upwards to the multiplier on your current step.
Guess if you can, and choose if you dare.
❗ Paw-lease note that the feature works online only.