Welcome to our official fan-page!
Here you can find the latest news, interesting and exciting quests, a lot of like-minded fellows, and help from our team!

However, don't forget that our fan page is a totally friendly and kind environment, and it exists with only one main goal - to entertain! That's why, please be careful and try to avoid any profanity, insults, and other violations there, which could offend anybody.

Watch out; if you bump into some comments from third parties that promise to provide you with free Facebook credits or coins, please ignore them. This could be an attempt to steal your personal data. Therefore, for your own safety, avoid such comments.

Avoid any cheating or hacking of the game.

Do not spam or post any non-informative information.

In case any player violates the above-mentioned rules, we reserve the right to delete or hide that comment.

Here you may find some additional information on this matter.